Monday, July 4, 2016


It you don't like anything "At All", just take "One" and like it "At One."
5 July 2015 at 00:31
មនុស្សបើឆ្កួតតែឯង វាមិនជាអ្វីទេ ប៉ុន្តែបើឆ្កួតខ្លួនឯងម្នាក់ហើយដើរពង្វក់គេឲ្យឆ្កួតតាមមួយស្រុក ទៅនៅស្រុកណា ហិនពាយរលាយស្រុកហ្នុងហើយ។
As a person if they were mad alone, it wouldn't matter. But if they were mad alone and maddened a whole community, living anywhere their madness would destroy all over there.

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