Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#សូមពិចារណាទាំងអស់គ្នា in America a Khmer just operating donut stores could also be a millionaire. Je n’aime plus • Répondre • 1 • 15 septembre 2015, 10:14 •Modifié 何曉萍 Je n’aime plusRépondre114 septembre 2015, 20:43

តើវាអាចជាការបញ្ជូនសញ្ញានៃការបែងចែកនិងរើសអើងនិទ្ទេសរវាងសិស្សជាប់បាក់ឌុបនិទ្ទេស A និងនិទ្ទេស B, C ... ឬយ៉ាងណា នៅពេលដែលសិស្សបាននិទ្ទេស A ទាំងអស់ត្រូវសាលាឯកជនមួយ AUPP ផ្ដល់កិត្តិយសហៅឲ្យទៅជួបជុំគ្នា គ្រាដែលអ្នកបាននិទ្ទេស B ពុំត្រូវគេនឹកឈ្មោះរបៀបគ្នានោះ បើសូម្បីតែអ្នកបាននិទ្ទេស B+ មានពិន្ទុខុសគ្នាមិនដល់១០ភាគពាន់ ឬ ១ខ្ទង់ភាគពាន់ ពីអ្នកបាននិទ្ទេស A- នោះ?
Puy Kea a ajouté 2 photos.
សិស្សនិទេ្ទស A នឹងជួបជុំគ្នាលើកទីមួយនៅសាកលវិទ្យាល័យ AUPP នៅថៃ្ងសែ្អក
តាមការគ្រោងទុក សិស្សនិទេ្ទស A ទាំងអស់នឹងជួបជុំគ្នា លើកទីមួយនៅសាកលវិទ្យាល័យ AUPP នៅថៃ្ង ច័ន្...
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Kea Puy មិនមែនជាការរើសអើងទេ តែនឹងមានវេទិការទីពីរ សំរាប់អ្នកជាប់ទាំងអស់ ។ សូមអរគុណ ចំពោះការបញ្ចេញមតិ
Puthpong Sao ដូច្នេះជាដំណឹងល្អនៃការលើកទឹកចិត្តដល់សិស្សពូកែៗដែលភ្លាបាននិទ្ទេសតែក្បែរ A-។
Yuri Auntie I agree with both Loke Kea Puy and Loke Puthpong Sao. Here in America, where the laws are always in favor of the children/students, while the adults can be easily fined and ended up in jail, the children/students are very difficult to handle because a parent/teacher cannot touch (discipline) them. This forces the parents and teachers to improve their verbal skills / strategies and external incentives in order to get the children / students to achieve something that the adults want them to do. In this case, the extra incentive of recognizing the A-ranking students who passed their national high school exit exams sends a clear message to the next year students that passing the exit exams with the A's is a major accomplishment and will be rewarded. It feels good to be recognized in the society. Remember also that even with the A grade, Cambodian students still cannot compete with the international students. I say this because every year, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, and the Vietnamese students out compete Cambodian students in getting into top spots in the American universities. What's the implication then? It seems the Cambodian students even with the A-raking do not know as much as the other international students. Even still in lower grades, those international students are well-versed with different types of logic and higher order thinking skills, while Cambodian students take a much longer time to achieve the same set of skills.
Vicheanon Khieu I may view the message from Puy Kea as a marketing strategy for his AUPP only. Yuri Auntie! To a certain extent, I agree with you to the point that Cambodian students cannot compete with international students in American universities in terms of logic and high order thinking.
Puthpong Sao I myself can't be of any opinions of what I don't know.
Yuri Auntie I like your reply. There is no pretense at all. You are true to yourself. I admire that.
Yuri Auntie Vicheanon Khieu Just my opinion. Any serious person with hard statistical evidence can easily destroy my view. Take it with a grain of salt. By "logic" I am talking about the standardized formal logic as found in prepositional logic categorical logic, deductive/inductive reasoning process. It is in the human gene to figure out the unknowns, but logic help ensure that the inferences are correct. The higher order thinking skills simply refer to the ability to analyze, apply, and evaluate.
Puthpong Sao About the mental and intellectual ability of Khmer, I myself challenged a bad though innocent remark from one of my former bosom friends, of Chinese ancestry. One day in early 1971, on our way home from school he said to me "កូនចិនរៀនពូកែ កូនខ្មែររៀនខ្សោយ Chinese kids are good/better at school whereas Khmer kids are not." I asked him for reasons and he explained "The Chinese have their cerebral capacity greater than 2 cubic decimeters while the Khmer do not." I challenged his view asking "D'ya know Russian writer Turgenev and French writer Anatole France? The former has his brain capacity of more the two liters and the latter has only a,bit larger than one liter. And both are worldwide famous for their literary works." He said nothing before arguing referring to a Chinese Class mate of ours as example. I then argued blatantly whether the boy could be compared to me (I was one of the most brilliant of my school class then). He was again speechless before saying "You're not a pure Khmer. You're a hybrid." I argued: if he could distinguish the difference between Angkor Wat and the Great Wall, the daily walks of life of Khmer (peasants using physical strength to wait for annual yields) and Chinese (working at shop using no labour and get easy money daily) ...

He's now a millionaire but we have no contact that I say "Poverty has no true friendship." When schooling we sat at the same table, slept in the same mosquito net, shopping together ... Yuri Auntie.
Yuri Auntie Hmmmm. So this classmate of your is of ethnic Chinese but of Khmer nationality? Why did he felt superior over the Khmer students? In what academic areas was he good in anyway? Later in life, you said that he is a "millionaire". By what standards make him a millionaire because I don't see his name listed as a Cambodian millionaire at all. You don't ever need a haughty, self-conceited, egocentric individual like that to be your friend, Loke Puthpong Sao. I am still curious how he became a millionaire in the first place? If you can share with me, then I will be so appreciative. Regarding my previous comment, I refer exclusively to training and never to races or ethnic group differences. Thanks for the comment.
Puthpong Sao Aristotle said "Talking bad about oneself is stupid while talking good of oneself is 'self-conceited, egocentric.'" I just talk the truth out of being challenged at the time. How is a person not seen as a millionaire when he has built a mansion at a cost of more than $1M? He himself told a Police official, one of my acquaintances, that he earned not less than $100,000 a month when land speculation business was at its height years back. He was a "good enough" student then. Yep, he's a Khmer citizen of Chinese ethnicity. I can't give his name on social media.
Yuri Auntie OK. You lost me on this one.
Puthpong Sao So, you won me on that.
Yuri Auntie Thank you for more details, Loke Puthpong Sao. I don't mean to ask for his name at all. Please forget about that. The reason I doubt his riches because I am offended that he thought he was better than other Khmer students of his generation. I am cooled down now. LOL. I have read an article about Khmer Riche who made it big through real estate. I believe you. Even in America a Khmer just operating donut stores could also be a millionaire.
Puthpong Sao
Votre réponse...
何曉萍 Cool

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