Thursday, May 12, 2016

What does "Mom" mean in human heart?

What does "Mom" mean in human heart? How do you feel in heart seeing your mom's smiles flicker in your eyes through which hope grows hopeful and illuminate your path of life?

Melinda Gates, Bill Gates's wife:
Being a mom has been the most joyful experience of my life. Sharing our work at the foundation with our kids has been really important for Bill and me. Here’s one of my favorite photos from a recent trip to Haiti to visit our friend Paul Farmer at his clinic.

Puthpong Sao:
O Poetry!

Laura Wachs:
Stephen Fry wrote a how-to book on poetry! It is a perfect combination of wit, humor and playfulness.

"It may appear contradictory of me to write a book that concentrates on metric and form and then argue the case for wildness. Perhaps this is the most valuable and poetically fruitful paradox of formal writing - technical perfection may be the aim, but it is out of the living and noisy struggle to escape the manacles of form that the true human voice most clearly emerges."

Iambs, enjambments, caesuras, oh my!

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