Monday, May 23, 2016

A true thing people are ashamed to talk:

A true thing people are ashamed to talk: A human being has a special character higher than an animal on several accounts such as humans can be used to act like dogs when dogs absolutely cannot be used to act like humans.
រឿងពិតមួយដែលមនុស្សខ្មាសអៀននឹងនិយាយ៖ មនុស្សមានលក្ខណៈពិសេសខ្ពស់ជាងសត្វលើករណីដ៏ច្រើន ដូចជា គេអាចប្រើមនុស្សឲ្យធ្វើឆ្កែបាន ប៉ុន្តែ គេមិនអាចប្រើឆ្កែឲ្យធ្វើមនុស្ស

This one shows that young kids' remarks, as some of their games sometimes do, can be taken as potential solutions to adults' issues.

This little boy's words are thoughtful. Some young kids are more serious than playful adults.

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